Are donations to St. Christine Christian Services tax deductible?
YES! St. Christine Christian Services is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible.
How do I contact St. Christine Christian Services?
You can reach us by phone at (313) 543-1527 or by email at
How can I get help?
Everyone is welcome at the Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry. Outreach Services are available to residents of 48223, 48228, and 48219 (South of 7 Mile).
How can I volunteer?
There are several options for individuals or groups to volunteer.
In the Soup Kitchen, we need volunteers to help prepare and serve meals on Tuesdays.
In the Food Pantry, we need volunteers to unload and sort food on Mondays and to set up, assist guests in grocery selection, and help guests carry groceries to their cars on Tuesdays.
How can I donate non-perishable items to the Food Pantry?
Non-perishable items can be brought to the Food Pantry on Mondays. If you are unable to deliver on a Monday or need us to pick up the items, call us at (313) 543-1527 or email us at
How can I make a monetary donation?
Online donations can be made here - DONATE NOW.
Mail donations can be made to St. Christine Christian Services, 15317 Dacosta St., Detroit, MI 48223.
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